Day 2 Christmas Concert Campus 1

There were four more wonderful Christmas plays performed today on Campus one. The children of Senior Infants, 1st class, 3rd class and 4th class delighted a great number of family members and friends with their amazing singing, dancing and acting.…

Is your child a HERO?

Here, Everyday, Ready, On time. Working closely with the Education Welfare Officer, an attendance initiative called HERO was planned.  HERO, standing for, Here, Everyday, Ready, On time was an idea we came across online. We made the initiative workable in…


As a 21st century primary school, we have embraced the benefits of technology to make learning more dynamic. All our classrooms are kitted out with an Interactive Whiteboard and all pupils have ready access to technology through the use of…


Sport is a hugely important part of our school life, with all children being provided with a wide range of sporting opportunities. P.E. is taught in every class, with all strands of the curriculum, including Aquatics, catered for, and all…