
Finishing the Erasmus experience for TPS in Italy learning about the amazing outdoor historical sites on the students doorstep visiting Pompeii - the historical Italian city ruins at the foot of Mt. Vesuvius.

World Book Day Quiz

Today in TPS students from 3rd to 6th celebrated World Book Day with a quiz. Great fun was had by all and look at some of our winning teams. Well done all And a special thanks to TPS student council…

Thank you to all the pupils of TPS who dressed up for World Book Day. Huge congratulations to all the winners of our Book Character Dress-up Competition. #worldbookday #tps2023 #lovetoread

Making Links!!

Making links with children in Ireland and Italy through the language of music Both schools engaged in a tin whistle lesson using our schools padlet as a teaching tool. Great enjoyment for all involved!

Friendship Week Starts!

This week is the start of Friendship Week at Trinity Primary School. We have lots of great activities planned throughout the week including introducing our new friendship rap and handshake! Keep your eyes peeled for more updates throughout the week!