Well done to everyone who entered our ‘Wellbeing Wednesday Spring Photography Competition’ Check out our five winners! The Smyth’s vouchers are on their way 🏼 #winners #art #photography #spring
World Book Day 2021
Spring Photography Competition.
Let’s embrace the fabulous spring weather and celebrate WELL BEING WEDNESDAY with us here in TPS by entering our Spring Photography Competition.
We’re back!
It is great to be back with friends again!
Back to School
What a memorable day here in TPS..........welcoming such fabulous children back to where they belong......in school! Their happiness matches the blue skies above Here is hoping these positive pictures symbolise the beginning of 'the end' of remote learning for the rest…
We made the Papers Again!
We were delighted to make the local paper this week for our Jerusalema Challenge with the Tuam Garda Station 😄 If you haven’t watched it yet follow the link here
Trinity Primary School & Tuam Garda Station Jerusalema Challenge
Trinity Primary School & Tuam Garda Station unite to connect and motivate our children through the Jerusalema Challenge.